Andrew & Lillian Rosin

What Defines Us


What we believe determines what we value, & what we value defines how we live. Everything that the Rosins do is rooted in their faith to Glorify God


The most important things to us are being our children's number one influencers & creating
family legacy


Breaking generational chains.
We believe in full family freedom having both mom & dad home with total control over our time & resources


Being able to reach our full potential is fueled by having health in all areas of life.
Body, mind, & soul

Personal Growth

Continually developing & growing ourselves to stretch outside our comfort zones. To reshape old habits & mindset so that we can strive for excellence & reach our full potential in all areas of our life


Create a purpose filled life.
To make a difference & know that our lives mattered. That we invested our time into the irreplaceable areas that only we can do & impact